
Ednalyn C. De Dios, a.k.a. “Dd”
(210) 236-2685


Over ten years of management experience. Five years of data science experience in various industries, including FinTech/BPO, pharmaceuticals, and tech. CompTIA A+, Project+, and Network+ certified.


Strong understanding of NLP concepts, machine learning techniques, and experience integrating both open-source and proprietary LLMs within Azure, AWS, and GCP.

Implemented RAG (retrieval-augmented generation) on the cloud and on-premises to perform translation, text summarization, classification, sentiment analysis, and question-and-answering. Fine-tuned proprietary and open-source LLMs.

Worked regularly in Python and Jupyter notebooks for 7 years using SOTA applications and frameworks such Spacy, Gensim, and Vader. Developed using Git/Github and comfortable in CI/CD ML Ops.

Experienced in working in Agile environments using JIRA and Confluence.

Harbors excellent communication and collaboration skills.


Natural Language Processing – Spacy – NLTK – GSDMM – LDA – Network Graph Analysis – Data Wrangling – ETL – EDA – Applied Statistics – Machine Learning – Data Storytelling – Git – Jupyter Notebooks – Anaconda – Python – SQL – Tableau – Pandas – Numpy – Matplotlib – Seaborn – Scikit Learn – Data Management – Visualization – Power BI – OCR – Computer Vision – AWS – Azure Machine Learning Studio – Project Management – LLM – OpenAI – Semantic Kernel – LangChain – Prompt Engineering – GCP Vertex AI – RAG – Knowledge Graphs


Machine Learning Engineer
Microsoft (Insight Global)

Resolved over 200 client cases by providing support for their machine learning models. This involves model development, deployment, monitoring and troubleshooting, documentation and training, performance optimization, collaboration with data scientists and developers, and research and development. Worked on machine learning problems such as classification, forecasting, and natural language processing (NLP), including Generative AI (LLMs).

Machine Learning Engineer
(Insight Global)

Developed automation solutions for a pharmaceutical company. Performed optical character recognition (OCR) natural language processing techniques (NLP) to convert large unstructured datasets into functional business documents. Worked in Python, AWS, and UiPath.

Senior Associate Data Scientist

Served on over 10 campaigns, working with large structured and unstructured data sets, cleaning/scrubbing data sets, and building/deploying models. Scoped innovative solutions. Worked with stakeholders on applying and delivering AI at scale. Conducted exploratory data analysis using NLP techniques. Created end-to-end data pipelines in AWS using Lambda, API Gateway, etc. Delivered actionable insights to stakeholders.

IT Director
Aware Central Texas

Increased productivity of staff members and volunteers while serving as Chief Information Director. Established the agency’s domestic violence ‘Crisis to Confidence’ program as the Family Violence Unit Director in a child abuse prevention agency.


Make sense of unstructured data: Retrieval-augmented generation using knowledge graphs.

RAG on AWS: Retrieval-augmented generation using Amazon Textract, Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Kendra, and LangChain to implement an intelligent document processing system.

RAG on Local LLM Chatbot: Implemented retrieval-augmented generation using local large language models to demonstrate how a recruiter or an HR personnel can benefit from a chatbot that answers questions regarding candidates. Used Ollama, LangChain, and Streamlit to deploy.

GenAI-Powered NLP: Used LangChain and ChatGPT to demonstrate how organizations can use the power of LLMs to perform classic NLP tasks like named-entity recognition, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and summarization.

Lesson Plan Maker: An LLM-powered application that automatically generates a complete lesson plan in accordance with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

Online News Popularity Predictor: A binary classification model that predicts whether an online post will go viral or not.


Western Governors University, MS in Data Analytics

Western Governors University, BS in Data Management and Data Analytics


A fully immersive, project-based 18-week Data Science career accelerator that provides students with 600+ hours of expert instruction in applied data science. Students develop expertise across the full data science pipeline (planning, acquisition, preparation, exploration, modeling, delivery) and become comfortable working with real, messy data to deliver actionable insights to diverse stakeholders.


Winner of CivTechSA Datathon 2019 – Joint-Service Commendation Medal – Navy Good Conduct Medal – Admiral’s Letter of Merit – Sailor of the Year – Sailor of the Quarter – Global War on Terrorism Service Medal – Iraqi Campaign Medal – Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal – Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist – Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist